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Scientific culture

The Universitty of Toulouse invites you, through several events, to meet researchers and doctoral students to discuss the knowledge being built.

La Nuit Européenne des chercheurs (The European Researchers’ Night)

Imagine 300 cities all over Europe, 12 cities in France, where researchers go out to meet the public to tell them who they are and what they do, on the same evening at the same time! This is the European Researchers’ Night organised by the University of Toulouse in Toulouse and Albi!  This event is organised every year, at the end of September.

More information


Ma thèse en 180 secondes (My thesis in 180 seconds)

My thesis in 180 seconds has set a challenge for doctoral students since 2014: explain their research topic to the general public in French, in simple terms and in 3 minutes tops, without notes or prompter, and all on no more than one slide!
This is a scientific communication competition organised nationally by the Conference of University Presidents and the CNRS. The events in Toulouse, coordinated by the University of Toulouse, attract a large audience every year. They are organised every year in March.
More information: follow the news of the University of Toulouse on Twitter: @Univ_toulouse #MT180Toulouse


The Exploreurs’ coffee meetings

How about discussing science over some coffee?
The institutions of the University of Toulouse invite the general public to come to dialogue and exchange with researchers, every Tuesday at 6 pm at the Café du Quai des Savoirs in Toulouse and throughout the Occitanie region.

More information:  Échosciences Occitanie.