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Getting advice for your job search

Faced with the job market: How to go about it? Who can you turn to? There are several options to help you build your career path.

SUIO-IPs: a counsellor in your institution

Get in touch with your institution’s University Career, Guidance and Information Service (SUIO-IP). Specialised advisers will receive you and inform you about the courses offered by the institutions and about professions, guide you and help you with career change and professional integration.

Pôle emploi (National employment agency)

EMPLOI STORE (Job Store) of the “Pôle Emploi”

Who can benefit?
All jobseekers regardless of their educational level, but also for those who are thinking about what their future job will be.

What for?

  • Find information on the job market in your areas of interest, via the Emploi Store (Job Store) platform, section “Information on the labour market” Preparing for a recruitment interview, section “Preparing your application
  • Finding a job: View the offers
  • And of course to benefit from follow-up by a single counsellor, from registration until the signature of a work contract!


The job portal for executives and young graduates: Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres (APEC, Association for Executive Employment)

Who can benefit? Young higher education graduates (bac+4).

APEC offers a range of services and advice, supports young graduates in their job search and assists them in their various steps. This support can be a one-off exchange or extend to a follow-up of several months. Here are some services at your disposal: consulting job and internship offers, making a skills assessment, accessing many tips and practical information (job descriptions, dates of Job Fairs, calendar of civil service examinations), etc.
Learn more APEC

Nos Quartiers ont des Talents (NQT, Our neighbourhoods have talents)

NQT is an association that supports young graduates with Bac+3 level and higher in their job search (Bac+4 and higher for Île-de-France, with experimentation for Bac+3 in priority neighbourhoods (QPVs)), those under 30 years old from modest social backgrounds, including some residents of the districts.

Young people are coached by 'sponsors', who are executives or even CEOs. This professional relationship is a great help to building your career plan or learning how to consolidate your network.

More information : NQT – Pour l'égalité vers l'emploi

La Mission Locale
Who can benefit? All non-students aged 16 to 25 (even if they are registered at Pôle Emploi).
What for? Information, Reception and Guidance
Depending on your situation, La Mission Locale can provide financial assistance for transportation or for a course.